MOR Financial has had a consistent presence at the Apartment Owners Association Tradeshow, and it was no different for their recent efforts in Long Beach, CA. On May 19th, several Real Estate investors from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience funneled into the Long Beach Convention Center to shake hands, talk shop and find new resources to take their portfolio to the next level.

To no surprise, the AOA put together another terrific experience. If you’re interested in being ahead of the investor curve, then attending this event should have been a must, particularly for all multi-unit property owners or those who are looking to join those ranks.

As has been the case with all their shows, the AOA put together an all-star roster of guest speakers who broke down pressing issues such as evictions, tenant rights and the forecast of major changes in the Real Estate Investing landscape. To say that these sessions were informative would be a great disservice to the men and women who shared their wisdom with hundreds of eager attendees. Let’s just say that even the most seasoned investor likely picked up a few crucial tips moving forward.

As for the MOR Financial team… another successful experience as an exhibitor. The MOR booth had a healthy traffic flow and remained busy all day long, even to the point of being packed to capacity on countless occasions. Nothing really compares to the face-to-face interactions with potential clients, curious passers by or old friends stopping by to say, “hello.” It gives the MOR Financial team the chance to learn more about what interests these folks and in return, gives them the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the services that MOR Financial can offer to change the way they currently invest or borrow funds. To accomplish this, MOR brought out the big guns in the form of Branch Manager Corey Siegel and Investor Relations Manager Brad Laddusaw. Corey, who oversees all aspects of our Borrower relations, is the go-to-guy when it comes to putting together finance solutions for active Real Estate Investors. Want to do a fix and flip like the one you saw on HGTV? Corey can show you how you get the funding to do so, and fast. Brad, on the other hand, handles our passive investors. For all the people that don’t like the volatility of the stock market or just don’t want to deal with being a homeowner, Brad can talk to you about getting a 10% return on your investment while you’re sitting on the beach, having a beverage with one of those umbrellas in it.

All in all, the AOA Long Beach show was another day well spent for MOR Financial, and assuredly, for all the attendees and exhibitors on the floor. If you missed it, there’s good news coming your way. The AOA Tradeshow is back in September and it’s in MOR’s backyard: Los Angeles, CA. So, register and attend. Come say “hello” to MOR Financial, because you never know when a simple “hello” can turn into a long lasting business relationship.


A very special thanks goes to Todd Viani and the AOA Tradeshow staff for all of their hard work and help.