My name is Corey Siegel and I am the Branch Manager here at MOR Financial. I’ve been with the company since it’s earlier days and the one thing that I can say I’ve learned and implemented into my personal and professional life is the concept of Leverage. I’ve found its power to be so positive and so influential that I’ve since presented the concept of Leverage on several educational platforms. On Wednesday, August 26th, I will be presenting “The Power of Leverage” on MOR Financial’s Webinar Wednesday for the first time on our MOR U educational platform.  You can register for that HERE. Until then, however, I wanted to give you a bit of a breakdown on the potential power that can be found in Leverage.

What is Leverage?

What is leverage? And how does leverage work? Most know that leverage is essentially the use of borrowed capital to increase the potential return on an investment. But how does it work and how can it work for you?

To fully utilize the concept of leverage you must know your margins. The margin is the difference between your all in cost and the end game value of your property (ARV, AS-IS, Increase in Rental Value, etc.). Now, how effectively is your measure of efficiency or your Return on Investment (ROI)? How efficiently are you using the capital that you have?

To summarize the idea of Leverage:

  • The use of something to maximize
  • To use a quality or an advantage to obtain a desired effect or result.
  • Positional advantage; power to act differently.
  • To exert power or influence.

Financial Leverage

Financial Leverage is the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital, such as margin, to increase potential return on an investment.


  • Lack of Experience
  • Indecision
  • Finding Deals
  • Having a Game Plan
  • Having the time
  • Having the Available Funds
  • Feeling like You’re doing it all alone

The POWER of Financial Leverage

  • You are able to realize gains that you wouldn’t otherwise see
    • Even with sacrificing margin by taking an equity position, OR
    • Borrowing Money (no matter the interest rate)
  • The Power of Leverage is more than a financial tool
    • The MOR you take advantage of leveraging your
      • Network
      • Market and how you’re Marketing
      • Capital


I have spoken to many friends, clients, and colleagues over the years that have continuously preached the concepts that I will be sharing with you on Wednesday August 26th. As is always the case with MOR U, the “Power of Leverage” Webinar is completely free. No strings attached, no up-selling, nothing. We pride ourselves on being an educational resource and giving our audience the best information we have so that they can make educated and confident business decisions.

WHAT: MOR U’s Free Webinar, “The Power of Leverage”
WHEN: August 26th @ 11:00 am PST
WHERE: Register Here
WHO: Corey Siegel